Al and the gang wish to congratulate Stuart Gould for being March’s Grand Prize winner at Capone’s Dinner & Show, on Saturday, March 25th. During our “25 Years of Memories” anniversary celebration we’ll be giving some lucky stiff a grand prize on the 25th day of each month. Next month it could be you! The next grand prize will be awarded on Tuesday, April 25, 2017.

Make Reservations

Stuart, a.k.a. Stu (now that he is a ‘made’ man) came all the way from Milan, Michigan just to see the show! Imagine that. What a dedicated family member! While Milan (Italy) is known for its high fashion and economic power, Michigan’s Milan is much different. It is a small town with a quaint main street, small mom-and-pop shops, beautiful City park and a genuine hometown feel.

Coming from such a small town, it begs the question, why would our recent prize-winner refuse to have his mug shot, um, photograph taken? It got the wise guys thinkin’ and we’re pretty sure ol’ Stu must be in the witsec program. Guess ‘the family protection plan’ wasn’t in place in time for this now famous winner. Sure hope we haven’t blown his cover!

March’s Grand Prize Winner

Stu (disguised in this photo) was the big winner of March’s anniversary prize.

March’s Grand Prize Winner Experience

Stu’s favorite part of the show is having fun. Anyone needing to be disguised must really love having fun. Maybe too much fun! Is there such a thing? At Capone’s Dinner & Show, we don’t think so. If you leave our show without laughing (sometimes until it hurts), we haven’t done our job very well. You’s may have to bring it up wit’ da boss. You’d have to be stone cold not to at least smirk at some of our goofy gangster shenanigans.

Seems that ol’ Stu liked the entire Capone’s dinner show experience. He had nothin’ he didn’t like. What an easy going fella! Once you read our many positive reviews on Trip Advisor and Facebook, we think you’ll agree with Stu. Of course, anyone trying to fly under the radar probably wouldn’t raise an eyebrow ‘bout nothin’, especially around the high pillows in attendance at this family gathering.

Stu’s prize was 2 Universal Studios admittances and a “C” note. He said he will use the kale as part of a down payment on his daughter’s home, but we think he’ll use it to come back to our joint. There’s nothin’ better than family, right Stu?

Speaking of family, thankfully, Stu has a swell daughter-in-law that told him about our speakeasy. How else would someone from Milan get the secret password? If you have relatives that could use a fun night out, be sure to pass this information on. With only 15 adults in your party, you qualify for a group discount!

Again, we’d like to congratulate March’s grand prize winner, Stuart Gould. Capone’s Dinner & Show hopes that the evening’s experience was the cat’s meow and will be a great memory for years to come.

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Last Updated on April 3, 2017